Paula Pourquoi Tale Plan


One long long time ago, there was a lizard that didn’t know how to climb a  tree , he was big, and had very big eyes , he always wanted to learn how  to climb a tree, he would see monkeys climbing trees , the monkey  had brown skin  and had a long skinny tale, he would always do different skills climbing the tree ,The lizard had seen the monkey do some good skill by climbing the tree.


so he thought to himself that he should probably asked him to help him how to climb a tree , the lizard was to nervous to ask the monkey , until he asked the monkey if he could help him learn how to climb a tree , the monkey was really happy that he asked because he’s been waiting to learn him how to climb a tree , the monkey said the first thing in morning he would help lizard how to climb a tree .





Once there was a girl  named Temalisi , she was an amazing dancer that everybody would compliment her dancing skills , whenever she performs an item the crowds always go loud , everybody likes the way she dances.  They also  like her confidence and also her sassiness, but sometimes a lot of people will get annoyed by her  loud anoying mouth  , and sometimes the teachers get her in trouble because she moves her mouth more   than she moves her hand to do work .

Why Racism Should Stop ?

Have you ever experienced racism ?  What is Racism ? Well, my topic for Today is Why Racism Should Stop ? 


 Racism should stop because there’s a lot of people  that get judged and hate from their skin colour. White people would judge a lot of people that would not have the same skin  colour  as them , and also a lot of people could get judgemental about others skin colours , a lot of  white people is blaming black people for different reasons that they never did ,  there’s been shooting , killing and a lot of horrible stuff that’s been happening because of people being racist  to different people that has darker skin compared to them  ,and also racism has been around the world which is really sad because no one should never get judge by their skin colour  , well  how we can stop racism ? we can stop racism by not judging people’s skin colours and all.


Paula’s My Reading Quiz – planning

Reading Quiz – Planning

Name of story: superhero secrets
Author: hannah sperber


Question 0: What step in the instructions does it tell you to record the answers that you have written?
Answer: Step 3.
Page: Page 1

Question 1: Why does Michel Mulipola love making comic books ?
Answers: because he loves to make books and he could get a lot of money from making good books which people are waiting for him to make another book because they love it .

Question 2: What do you want to be in the future ?
Answer: Michel’s dream is to be the first samoan to draw for marvel comics or comics .
Page: 26

Question 3: what the best comic books ?
Answer:the best comic books are the one you can’t put down because the story is so popular and good .
Page: 28

Question 4: what are the famous characters of marvel comics books ?
Answer: michel says that the famous characters of marvel comic books are spider man , wolverine the hulk , superman , batman , and wonder women .
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Question 5: when did you liked comic books ?
Answer:michel discorverd comics when he was five years old .
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Question 6:What makes a great story ?
Answer : well michel says that the very best comics are the ones you can’t put down because the story is too good .
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Question 7: What do comics use for books ?
Answer: michel says they use pictures and words to tell the story .
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